Dedicated to helping families pay a portion of an infant’s burial costs. The infant must be full gestation of 20 weeks and up to 28 days old.
140 Oak Street - Windber, PA 15963

About Us

The Lucas Foundation Board Members are (Back left to right):Cathy Leech (Chief Financial Officer), Wayne Wayer (Chief Communications Officer), Keith Rager (President), (Front left to right) Dr. Kristy Chunta (Vice President), Dr. Richard Frazer (Senior Advisor), Kerry Rager (Financial and Recording Secretary).

The Lucas Foundation was founded in 2005 as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit foundation.  Our family experienced the loss of Lucas Matthew Chunta on August 3, 2004.

We believe that each and every child is a gift and that their time with us, no matter how brief, should be remembered. We dedicate this foundation to Lucas and the many infants that never get to experience a full life.

As we worked through our own grief, we realized we could turn this into a positive experience and reach out to others in similar situations. Our foundation is dedicated to helping families that lose a full term infant at birth or during their first fifteen days of life.

Most family arrives at the hospital expecting to come home with their newborn. Families expect and plan for the expenses that come with their new bundle of joy; formula, diapers, clothes, etc. But when the joy turns to tragedy and the expenses now include a funeral home, burial costs, and a casket, this is where The Lucas Foundation, Inc. comes in.

We begin by providing area hospitals the information families can use to contact us. We then work with the funeral homes to help the family with the expenses associated with a funeral..